I am aware that yesterday was Independence Day in the United States. I knew John was driving a vintage WWII military vehicle in the annual Chatham Fourth of July parade. He told me he was going to a picnic afterward. For the language students here, it was another day of studying. I did my homework and then joined some women in the afternoon to learn how to cook a special kind of rolled taco and fresh vegetable soup. Yesterday, I decided to wear very subtly red earrings, a white blouse and a blue scarf just to remember Independence Day in the United States. I am very unhappy with the current administration and have been since the confusing vote counting for the 2000 election. But I am an estadounidense and I am grateful for the abundance we have in the United States. I love my country.

The Mexican´s celebrate their independence from the Spanish on September 10. There is a real striving in the Mexican people to make strong families and to live right. Evelia works hard to create excellent, typical and healthy Mexican food for us and for her family. She is proud of the fresh fruit she can serve us from the trees in her garden and the vegetables from the local growers from the market.

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